What We Value

Intimacy with God

We are committed to expressing our love to God through worship, drawing near to him through prayer, listening to him through the word and praising him through our testimonies.

Authentic Relationships

We are committed to creating a safe family environment where people can come as they are, share openly and honestly, do life together and where grace, truth, love, and healthy communication are practiced.

Life Transformation

We are committed to developing our character and lifestyle after Jesus by knowing and obeying God’s word, through the power of the Holy Spirit, and with the encouragement of other believers.

Generous Living

We are committed to giving freely of our time, money and resources to show God’s love in tangible ways because of his extravagant love towards us.

Community/World Impact

We are committed through the leading of the Holy Spirit to be intentional in creating relationships both locally and globally in a culturally relevant way so that people can know Jesus.